Information required for filing a patent

To file a patent application, we require:
The full name, address and nationality of the inventor(s);
The full name, address and nationality of the applicant(s), if the applicant for the patent is not the inventor (e.g. if the applicant is a company). It is important that the correct inventor(s) and applicant(s) are identified prior to filing a patent application to avoid both potential disputes and/or patent invalidity. For more information read our information sheet: “Patent inventorship and ownership – what are the differences?“;
A description of the invention which should include (if possible) drawings/diagrams of the invention, photos of prototypes, or the product itself – these are always of great assistance when explaining the workings of an invention;
A description of the existing technology already in the public domain, the advantages of the invention, the problems it overcomes, its aims, and any improvements or further developments to the invention which are envisaged.
Most of this information can be gained by us through a single interview with you. For more information on our enquiry meeting, read our information sheet: “James & Wells enquiry meeting“.